Osboxes Mac Os


Albert alternative to OS-X spotlight created by Manuel, it offers pretty much same features like Spotlight or maybe better than Spotlight. It is a selection-based search system, which creates an index of all items and files on the system. It is designed to allow the user to quickly locate a wide variety of items on the computer, including documents, pictures, music, applications, and System.


And as a non-mac user I would really appreciate a OS X VM. AFAIK that is a no-no according to the EULA, at least that was the case a couple of years ago. Jmnicolas on Apr 22, 2016. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag +.


Osboxes Mac Os X

The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproduceable platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS (abbreviated from Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution that attempts to provide a free, enterprise-class, community-supported computing platform which aims to be 100% binary compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS is for people who need an enterprise class operating system stability without the cost of certification and support. In January 2014, it was announced that CentOS was officially joining forces with Red Hat while staying independent from RHEL, under a new CentOS Governing Board.

CentOS 8.2.2004

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VMware Tools: Open-VM-Tools Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 8.0.1905

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 7.9.2004

Osboxes Mac Os Download

Osboxes mac os 11
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.5GB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB

Osboxes Mac Os Catalina

  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.4GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Open-vm-Tools Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 7.8.2003

  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Open-vm-Tools Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 7-1908

  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.3GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 7-1810

  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.2GB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 7-1804

  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 7 with LEMP

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 12+

CentOS 6.10

  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.4GB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.4GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.4GB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.4GB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 6.9

  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 910MB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 889MB

Osboxes Mac Os 11

  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 897MB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 863MB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

CentOS 5.11

  • VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 798MB
  • VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 868MB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 795MB
  • Vmware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 864MB

Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
Root Account Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+

OSBoxes – Virtual Machines for VirtualBox & VMwareUmair

Our other project has to offer you Tutorials/Reviews/Themes/Conky and much more for Ubuntu & derivatives.
Check out site for more options and information.

OSBoxes offers you ready-to-use Linux/Unix guest operating systems.

If you don’t want to install secondary OS alongside with your main OS but still want to use/try it, then you can use VirtualBox or VMware on your host operating system to run virtual machine.

Simply download any image you want and run it as VM.


VirtualBox is a x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product, it is the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under GNU GPL V2 license.


VMware Player is a virtualization product supplied free of charge for personal use by VMware, Inc. VMware Player can run existing virtual appliances and create its own virtual machines.

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